Friday, April 8, 2011

Apple Blocks 'Unpleasant Horse' Game From App Store

Hey look everyone, it's another Apple App Store rejection (and marketing opportunity!) for PopCap satellite 4th & Battery and their new app/game/not-sure-yet "Unpleasant Horse." Cupertino's censors reportedly deemed it "mature content" and sent it packing.

Why unpleasant? Because it's about a sociopathic horse that bounces "from cloud to cloud and on to the backs of other, cuter flying ponies, who will thus be sent plummeting to a gruesome, bone-chewing demise, thanks to an unfortunately placed series of meat grinders on the ground below."

Yep, pretty much Super Meat Boy meets My Pretty Pony.

"WTF? Apple rejected Unpleasant Horse cuz of 'mature content'? We thought horses dying in meat grinders was wholesome family entertainment!" read 4th&B's initial and since deleted reaction on Twitter.

"We're appealing, though (with a higher rating) and we'll hopefully have good news for y'all soon!" reads the next dispatch, followed by a bit of tongue-in-cheek ingratiation.

"Anyhoo, we still love Apple. Honest. We even had (and liked!) a Newton back in the day. Hope we get an appropriate rating for the game!"

Come on 4th & Battery, man up. You were just censored by a company that won't even disclose in full its guidelines for censorship.

And hey Apple, why don't you stop trying to duplicate what the ESRB already does only better?


Anonymous said...

Good Lord, just release it for android, I'll buy it.

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