Sunday, June 5, 2011

5 Amazing iphone Apps That will Help You Quit Smoking

Smoking kills 400,000 people every year in the US alone. There are many ways to quit smoking, and here are some iPhone apps for that purpose. Studies show that majority of quitters have a difficult time to maintain their routine and sometime go perverse during detoxification. The iPhone, which is also known as the Man’s Best friend is just here to help you through this stage.

1) Quitter

Every thought quitting would be so profitable? Here is an app that makes you feel good as you detoxify. Quitter is a free app that tracks how long you’ve been smoke-free and to get your mojo on, it will also display how much money you’ve saved by not smoking!

The user has to enter the cost of a pack of cigarettes and how many packets user smokes in a day. Then let Quitter spin its magic. Not only you will feel better, your wallet will be getting fatter by the day! Hopefully Quitter can help you quit only smoking!

2) Smokeless

Nearly 330 people die in the USA alone everyday which can be attributed to Smoking. Out of this 38% die of cancer, 28% die a very painful and slow death, and 34% die due to heart disease. Considering the staying on smoke free course is tougher than driving on foggy road, this app helps you navigate the path stage by stage.

    * Stage 1: List your reasons for quitting: Use the built-in list, or enter your reasons.
    * Stage 2: Start the quitting program:Enter the length of the program, how much you smoke now, and your goal.
    * Stage 3: Stay on course: While you follow this program:-  Advice on how to stick to your goal
      -  Shows time to smoke
      -  Reminds you why you want to stop smoking
      -  Use the First Aid section to help you overcome your withdrawal symptoms
    * Stage 4: Reward yourself:- see how much money you keep saving
      - remind yourself of your reasons not to smoke.

3) FixNixer

If most of you were like me, then to quit smoking will require nagging from your girlfriend to push you further. If you don’t have one, then get yourself an iPhone and the FixNixer. FixNixer is a nagging iPhone app that will make you quit smoking. How does it nag you? It gives inspirational messages to motivate to quit smoking.

To activate this app, you have to go online to complete this questionnaire. This will help FixNixer build a profile specifically for you. After this step, FixNixer will nag you regularly. Well, FixNixer cannot teach you to quit, but it sure can nag you to quit.

4) Quit Smoking with Andrew Johnson!

“You CAN Stop Smoking!” says Andrew Johnson. This app will cost you as you are carrying around a shrink with you all the time. This App is designed to help quit habits related with smoking as well as smoking.Quitting Smoking is not an easy road to tread and this app will make it as relaxing as possible. It helps increase your motivation, boost your confidence and maximize your will power to break the ill smoking habit.

Quitting smoking is much easier when you quit the habits that made you start in the first place. It gives positive, beneficial suggestion that will help you with the process. It does it by inducing a deep state of relaxation allowing your subconscious mind to absorb messages to enable you to give up smoking.

This program was designed by Andrew Johnson who is a Clinical Hypnotherapist based in Ayrshire on the West Coast of Scotland. His best selling range of Self Help CDs and MP3s have helped many thousands of people all over the world regain control over stress symptoms, addictions and bad habitual behaviour. Andrew is also a director of Training ToolBox, a UK training company dedicated to teaching people coping skills, therapies and life skills techniques. Quit Smoking with Andrew Johnson is published by Audio2Action, a division of HiveBrain Software. You can get your own Andrew Johnson for $2.99.

5) My Quitline

Well, do you miss the human touch? My quitline will give you the missing human touch! A new free application for Apple iPhone known as ‘My QuitLine’ provides ‘live’ therapeutically constructive coaching and also offers live text to advice on how to quit smoking. This app is also known to provide evidence-based treatment for quitting. This ‘free’ iPhone app to ‘Quit smoking’ has been developed by The George Washington University’s School of Public Health and Health Services (SPHHS) and the National Tobacco Cessation Collaborative (NTCC).

The iPhone app ‘My QuitLine’ was designed by the assistant research professor in the Department of Prevention and Community Health, at George Washington University, Dr. Lorien Abroms. The app main function was to facilitate for all those seeking help to quit smoking. The app connects the smoker to the National Cancer Institute’s quitline service to speak to a live quitline coach or use live text to get advice on quitting. The app for the iPhone was designed with feedback from the NTCC; and after reading an NTCC report about the lack of iPhone apps that link smokers to proven therapies.

The iPhone app for quitting smoking doubles the chances of a user to quit smoking. Moreover, it updates people with proven to work in quitting smoking, and also getting access to tools that are based on these proven therapies, such as the iPhone application.

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