Monday, July 18, 2011

Cyanogenmod reaches the half-million-user milestone

The CyanogenMod user install base has hit the 500,000 mark, according to the stats released by the CM team. This is across all devices, and includes unofficial versions in the numbers. Some interesting totals are 502,364 total installs, 376,066 of which are official while 126,298 are unofficial, or "kangs". We also get a glimpse into the number of installations per device -- you can see the full list at the source, but here's the top five (with install numbers as of Saturday evening):
HTC Desire 70,630
HTC EVO 4G 39,654
Motorola Defy 28,956
Nexus One 26,707
Motorola Droid 21,335

They also have a very cool interactive map of installations by country that you'll want to explore as well. While a half-million of anything is an incredible feat, we have to remember that we're just a drop in the ocean, with more than 550,000 Android devices activated each day. We're a pretty happy drop, though. Congrats, CM team!


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