Monday, July 18, 2011

Is this the Samsung Galaxy S 2 (the Within) for Sprint?

There's not a whole lot to go on, but it looks like the fellas over at This is my next got their hands on a couple pictures of the Galaxy S 2 (the Samsung Within) destined for Sprint. From the above image you can clearly see the Samsung and Sprint logo, paired up with an 8MP camera, and another picture (after the break) shows a small portion of what could be an "about phone" screen showing Sprint as the network operator.

We expect Samsung to release the Galaxy S 2 on every major US carrier eventually, but this is the first sign of one being in production that we've seen. When you add the Within to the line-up that includes the EVO 3D and the Motorola Photon, it's apparent -- Sprint has some killer Android phones.


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